
CAN to 232

CANto 232


General Information:

 is a very small blue dongle that plugs into any PC COM Port, or any other RS232 port in an embedded system and gives an instant CAN connectivity. This means it can be treated by software as a standard COM Port (serial RS232 port) which eliminates the need for any extra drivers. Sending and receiving can be done in standard ASCII format.


Length: 68mm, Width: 31mm, Height: 16mm.


The module plugs directly into a standard serial port and provides a standard DB9 male output to CAN systems according to CiA (CAN in Automation) recommendations. It is powered with 8-15VDC through the CAN connector with ESD protection and reveresed power. It consumes max 100mA, but normally not more than 40mA (this depends on BUS load and eventual CAN cable errors etc.). Use your own RS232 LIB/drivers (in e.g. Visual Basic, Deplhi, C++ etc.).

CAN Pin assignement:

Pin assignement according to CiA recommendations DS102-1.
The CANto232 is powered with +Vin (9-15VDC) at pin 9 and GND at pin 3.

How to connect:
